Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Time to run...

Well today was my first day back to training in earnest for the Freescale Austin Marathon http://www.motorolamarathon.com/ . Well in my case half marathon. An easy 4 miles indoors, ten degrees and ice kept me inside. It should be a good break from the doldrums of the Midwest this February. This will be my second time to run this race. It is a fast net downhill course in one of the coolest cities in the US. Running has been tough since my last marathon, a bad case of the post marathon blues.
Tomorrow will be an attempt at 400s after warming up with Dexter the wonder mutt.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Dexter and I do some remodeling

After a good workout at the gym today it was time for Dexter and I to do some work on the basement renovation that has drug on now for almost two years. For those of you who know me you know why, for those who don’t it involved a Harley, ash fault, and some titanium holding various body parts together.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

TreeHuggers Unite

Ok, so I have this blog.  I got it so I could make comments on other blogs but have not done much of that either.  I realized this morning that I have become a true Ann Arbor Tree Hugger.  The revalation came to me as I was driving the dog to daycare in my Prius.  This requires much thought...